Thursday, February 24, 2011

unfair chickenpox

guess who got the chickenpox...
it all started from indo. my brother got these mysterious red spots.
my mother suspected chickenpox right away, but brother does not have a fever. and his spots are only a few and are soon gone.
so we didn't worry about it.
that is until my sister started to get spots too, and a fever too.
she was diagnosed with chickenpox. and soon enough same thing happen to me.

we have to at least stay five days without school. but it gotten really severe. I end up staying for two weeks. it was horrible. the first night I couldn't sleep. it's the spots! not the fever. they're everywhere. for five days (i think) I don't even dare to touch my face. showers are a constant torture, having to touch my skin is constant torture. I avoid mirrors and shiny surface so I won't see my own reflection. that is pretty much the description of how severe it was. though I didn't get frequent high temperature like my sister, my skin has gotten the worse of it. so I've been feeling down lately. right now most of the spots has turn into scabs so I look a bit better and able to touch my own skin. my face still look awful. If only I could upload the picture I'v taken with my camera, unfortunately there is some problem with it.

there is still so much I wanted to write about. schoolwork, friends, and heaps of other stuff. but unfortunately I still don't have my own personal computer and my father is now waiting for his turn. so bye.