Tuesday, May 17, 2011

my poor glasses...

I broke my glasses.
actually my mother accidentally step on it.
it broke into halves.
you can not believe how hard it is for me to write this post. I have to stick my nose to the screen.

anyway I've noticed that my blog's getting boring. well... more boring than usual. so, in a pathetic attempt to make my life more dramatic I would write about the athletic carnival.

ooh and maybe I would change the blog's background and stuff. :)

so yesterday the school was having the early athletic carnival. and as usual I was participating. because I am such a good student. and also because it gives me something to do. and also because it's FUN!! I cannot understand why people could just say they're not bothered and sit around for more than six hours! and there is something about competition that makes me excited. I don't care much for the result. it's the heart beating moment right before you compete. the feeling that everything matters and it's all up to me. and then the silent feeling afterwards where I'll just go"okay, I'm gonna do it now,...." then after a second it's all over. it's just beyond words. after that you might feel disappointed or contented, but the feeling before that, is the one that really matters to me. yikes... bad grammar.

last year I mostly wonders around by myself. this year I hang around my friends. though most of them are the "not bothered to participate and would rather sit around" type (again, bad grammar). at least I have someone to take care of my bag for me while I do stuff :). but yeah, I manage to pursue one of them to promise me they'll join in next year.

so the result...
(drum roll please...)

I got 3rd place in 16 years female 200m sprint (out of three people)

I got 2nd place in 16 years female long jump (again out of three people, it's not fair actually the other girl had longer legs.)

I got 1st place in 16 years female discuss (out of two people, but still, it's the first time I get to win first place :))

and I suck at high jump :(

the rest of the event I spend time learning how to play thirteen (I'm beginning to get the hang of it) and listening to Korean pop. I learned that my friend is also a fan of super junior.

above all I have and awesome day. I was so tired I fall asleep at 5. and my legs are still sore :)

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