Wednesday, April 20, 2011


well its been months.....
you can very well guess what happened.

i get distracted a lot it's hard for me to stick to something.

anyway i'm still not giving up. I think my life is worth documenting.

so right now It's the holidays after term one. this holiday I've been busier than last holiday. for one thing it's because I actually have homework....can't you believe that?

that is not something I'm used to. but it's all part of the vce thingy.

and believe it or not I actually have finish some.
well one actually...
I got homework from every subject.
so I still got plenty more.

but lately I manage to be more focus than last year. especially since I've had chicken pox and missed school for two weeks. I manage to train myself. with a little help from K pop. I found out that music actually help me to concentrate, especially catchy, upbeat, music sung in a foreign language.

yeah forget about bieber fever.... I got the Korean pop fever.

I know I tease my cousin in one of my posts about her interest in Korean songs. but when I listen to them closely and watch the music videos I can't help myself.

those guys are awsome.

the choreography is best part. and they are pretty good looking.

they change my whole prespective of Asians.
I mean, I know I considered myself Asian, but my mother always has something againts asian countries. and that include ours. so I grew up looking down on asia. sticking to western lifestyle. so after I saw them. it changes everything.

I've said it once I'll say it again....those guys are awesome.

anyway today me, my cousin and a friend went to springvale library. it sound dull I know. but really, it feels like a day out. just us, you know, without any adults, dressing up smart, carrying books and bags, I feel like a uni student or something. boy I need to get out more.

it started from my group assignment. my history teacher just has to give us a group assignment just before the holidays and it's due the first day back.
so me and my partner agreed to meet up on the library. I ask my cousin and a friend to come and they agree. we took the bus. the assignment meeting doesn't turn out very long. my partner agrees with everything I suggested and then spends her time on the phone. don't get me wrong, it's not that I hate her. she's an awesome friend (I seem to grow fond of that adjective). but I would appreciate a bit more contribution. but I know she won't let me down. so I gave her a job and tell her what I'll be working on and then we decided to keep in touch with facebook. finish.
then I started working on my chemistry work. the subject doesn't turn out as bad as I expected, in fact I got a full mark on my last test :). anyway then I started to look at books and dvds. then I suggested to my cousin and my friend that we should have a movie night. so we borrowed a few dvds and agreed on a date; tomorrow night!
anyway then we got out and decided to buy chips since we were hungry. then we were talking and eating and the bus went pass us. the next bus is another hour away. so we end up chasing it into the next bus stop. luckily for us the train block the traffic. it was an awesome moment.
anyway that's my day!!! :) it felt so good to write again. I should stick with this.

ooh btw, I moved house :)

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