Monday, January 10, 2011


I guess last time I was being a bit of a drama queen. but as usual things like that never last long. so I already left all the teary feeling behind.

anyway yesterday was fun. I wake up feeling that I just had to search on google for clichés. I don't know why. maybe because my english teacher suggest that I might be interested in them. and she's right. I do find clichés fascinating. when I looked at the list of clichés I found that some of them are familiar, others are a bit strange. anyway one caught my eye, "we'll cross the bridge when we come to it.". I'm going to make that my cliché of the week!

me and my cousin joined and youth event on Dandenong library. it's called chocolate factory. we thought we're making chocolate. but it turns out we're eating chocolate....and that is simply OK with us!!! only i think our parents wouldn't sign us up if they know that before. especially since chocolate triggers my sister's skin condition and asthma. but we had a great time. we had games and stuff. we get chocolate prizes. I even won something. which is very very rare.

on Wednesday we sign up for a theme park outing with the youth program, so my mother and I has to work hard to finish all the newspaper to deliver today (we only got three days every week to deliver them, monday, tuesday and wednesday. we've been working hard. anyway now I had to get ready because there is another event we're going to attend. jewellery making. sounds interesting. unlike my mother who said she enjoys more doing things and going places with the family and organized them herself, I find youth programs enjoyable. I mean, I agree with my mother, I like organizing events with the family but sometimes doing things with people my own age are exciting. knowing we don't have grown ups around makes me feel independent. having no little brothers or cousin around to take care of makes me feel free. and meeting new friends are nice. even though my social skills are limited.

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