Tuesday, December 21, 2010


today is my sister's birthday. somehow, it doesn't go too well.

I wake up early in the morning to help my mother finish sorting out the newspaper that she will be handing out later that morning. I was a bit dopey since I stay till 12 last night also because of the newspaper. I decided to stay home and watch my sleeping brother instead of going out and help my mother handing newspaper to mailboxes, I was so tired. I did slept for awhile I thought I make up all the rest I need today, but later on I found out that I'm still tired.

so after my nap, my mother ring me while she's handling the newspaper. she told me to get dressed and get the rabbits cage ready so we can pick up the rabbit from the seller. I got excited so I quickly do what she told me. then my sister woke up. I said happy birthday and tell her to get dressed because we're going to take her to a place and give her a surprise. all the present are waiting in the table but my sister say she'll wait till our mother got home. when she did my sister couldn't wait to open present and I couldn't wait to take her to see the bunny. unfortunately my father was busy with calling an insurance or something. so he miss all the present opening.

my mother gave my sister a towel that has a lion face on it (I suggested her to buy that since I know how my sister is obsessed with Narnia), perfume ( it has a picture of Winnie the pooh), and a beautiful skirt with different shade of red. my brother's present is bought by me and my mother since he's too young to understand most things in life (including the concept of birthdays). it contains a balance bird, it's a very unique model of a bird that can balance by its beak, a toy helicopter, and this magnet balls that could be made into almost anything (we figure my sister would like something like that). my father gives her a flute. she really likes it, too bad my father was too busy to see.

I told my sister I have 2 present. one is the one wrapped and the other one is a surprise I'm going to show her later. my wrapped present is a CD of Owl city I bought on e bay (well I bought it with my father's money since I don't have any but still it was my idea and I searched for it myself). I knew she really like Owl city, but I was surprised when she jumped and hug me. she said she's really happy she could cry. that was probably a moment I wouldn't ever forget.

so we quickly get ready to take my sister to the bunny seller's house. I haven't tell her what the surprise is. my mother and I planned to go early at 10, so if the seller is planning to go somewhere we could still catch up with her and ask for the rabbit. but we can't go at 10 because my father is still busy on the phone and we need someone to take care of my brother while we went. but it took so long. it was 12 already. I was so excited I become fidgety. so we decided to take my brother with me. when we got there there was no one home. you could imagine my disappointment. but that wasn't the end of the catastrophe. when we got home the door was locked, my father was not there. we waited for awhile but he didn't come back. so we decided to go to my cousin's house since we already planned to go there to celebrate. when we got there we found out that my father thought we were going to my cousins house all along so he went there to catch up with us, but of course we weren't. oh and it turns out he locked the door and forgot to bring the key. I was ready to explode. I know it's not such a big deal, but I was really looking forward to give my sister the surprise and everything now it's all a mess. I was really trying to hold my breakdown while my cousin gives my sister presents.
everything just turn crappy. I can't help but blame everyone including myself everything is just crappy. and right now I'm just felling like nothing can get worse.
but then I realize that I haven't borrowed the book I needed for literature and the library will be closed tomorrow and will stay closed until January. I'm doomed. I also realize by writing this post I just blew away my spare time that I could use to catch up with some sleep. I guess I just had to write this down or else I'll have another breakdown.

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