Friday, December 10, 2010

died as quickly as it has started.

okay so the thing is I changed my mind. I don't know why, I wake up one morning and all the sparks gone.
I'm no longer enthusiastically job searching. It's definitely not because I'm too lazy. but I don't know... suddenly I just thought it's not important. I realize all this time I was enthusiastically searching for a job, I was actually searching for ego. I mean why would I need a job now? my family feeds me, and even though right now were scratching to get along, we don't starve or anything that drastic, I mean it's not my job to look for money and my parents reminded me that every time. the reason I wanted a job is because I wanted to feel independent. I wanted to grow up. but then I realize... I'm not ready to grow up. I think I'm not ready for that kind of responsibility. I started going through my holiday homework, I realized they're not like my year 10 homework that I could finish in less than a week. they're a real task that would take time. and the holiday is only two month. I've always seen the school term as a far away thing that is too early to be concerned about until now. I become conscious that I could not have a new task since I haven't finish my old one. I better gain back my focus on schooling.

and I guess that was what my mother tried to tell me all along...

anyway today's weather was awesome. it's a typical Melbourne weather where the sun is strikingly hot and the wind is painfully cold. I used to hate this weather because of its extremeness, but the sky was so beautifully blue and white combination it brightens my mood right away. my mood depends on the sky. half way through my daily chores (laundry) I stopped and think; I need to get out of the house, I haven't been doing that for awhile. I ask my mother if I could ride my bike. she suggested I ask my cousins. so I did. but I ended up on a roller blade (long story). we went around the block, I picked dandelions whenever I can and I created a chain, then I turn it into a crown. we stopped by the park as my younger cousin requested then we went to my cousins house.
my aunt has shocking news; Oprah is coming to Melbourne. my aunt is a big fan of Oprah. I like Oprah, but I'm not exactly fanatical, I don't keep up to date with her stuff. my aunt ask us if we would want to join her to go to federation square where we could meet Oprah. I said yes and so does my cousins. my mother is coming as well. but there was a slight stitch on the plan. my aunt has to take my younger cousins to the library because there was a kids program, so she can't go to the city. and then it turns out we were behind schedule so we arrive late and Oprah was on her way. it was sad, but not exactly disappointing, it's not the end of the world. I just thought it would be really cool to see her in person. at least we get to pick up my uncle.
my uncle lives in Indonesia and we haven't seen him for more than a year. he came to Melbourne for business purposes, but he was going to visit us. then he will go to Sydney and visit some friends (he used to live there). anyway it was nice to see him again.he's funny and full of pranks. and today I just remember how frightening his driving was. he insisted driving today and we end up with a car full of screaming girls (including my mother). and he brings present for all of us. he gave me a bracelet with my name on it. it's really cute, only it's a bit itchy. and he gave me and my cousins a "bekel". that's a game we used to play in Indo. I remember I always gets frustrated with the game because I'm not very good at it, but the game is addictive and the more I failed the game, the more I'm keen to try.
and now it's once again almost midnight. time for me to stop...

btw i can't believe I haven't been to the library to make a library card (I don't have one, I never thought I need one because I could borrow from the school library). I think it has been month since the last time I read an Artemis fowl book. oh the torture!!!!

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