Saturday, December 11, 2010

a new day

today I wake up and I decided I'm not going lay back as I did in the last few more starring anxiously to the future. today I woke up at 9 in the morning then I realize, since the holiday I've been so lazy. I mean I used to love waking up early in he morning and have a jog. during the winter I can't because the day is short and it's still dark to jog in the morning. now that it's summer, I should have the opportunity to jog. but I've been staying up late and it's hard for me to get up early. I had to stay up late because I have to pray (long story) I realize I need to improve my time management. so I make a plan for today.

I decided to use the remaining of the morning to do the laundry and clean up the house. I reminded myself that shouldn't have taken all day because there are other things I need to finish. so I told myself weather I'm finish or not I have to stop at 3 pm. I managed to clean the living room and the kitchen. I also managed to finish three piles of laundry and have them all neatly folded and inside the closets. I was doing the last basket of laundry and I realize it was pass 3 pm. so I stretched the target into 4 pm. I finish at 3. forty something.
I decided I need a nap in order to wake up early tomorrow. I planned to wake up at 5. it's kind of hard to get some sleep since I'm not used to taking naps and it was so bright outside even when I closed the curtains. so I put a pillow on my eyes and try to stay still. soon enough I was asleep.
my father woke me up and started to gabbled some instruction. typically my father had not notice I'm still too dazed to understand him. my mother comes to the rescue and patted my shoulder and repeats what my father says slowly and gently. my parents are going to take my uncle to the airport, he's going to Sydney, they're taking my brother with them. they're saying that they have cooked rice and I should cook dinner for me and my sister. they won't be back until late.
so when I feel more conscious, I sat up and stretched, I feel brand new. I made a note to myself to take afternoon naps on daily basis. I look up at my alarm and saw that it's 9.30. I don't know why the alarm didn't rang. maybe it did but I'm already used to switching it off and going back to sleep that it becomes a reflex. I realize I haven't showered today so I went straight to the bathroom. after that I prayed ashar and I recite the al masurat. that's a prayer that I is supposed to be recited every morning and evening, I used to diligently recite it every day. but lately somehow I can't find the time. at first I decided to practice my memorized quran, there was supposed to be a test on friday but the teacher can't make it so she delayed it till next week, but my mother gives my phone to my uncle while he's staying in the country so we could contact him, in my phone there is my recording of the quran, I need them to help me practice. so I decided to do that later since I still have a week.
I did plan to do my homework but then I realized that my sister has been in her room all day. if we're going to be the only one in the house I think it's a good idea that we should acknowledge each other. so I planned a movie night. at first I tried to search for a DVD we could watch. my sister suggest to look on the tv channels because it's saturday night, and there is usually a good movie. we decided to watch back to the future. at first I thought it was kind of old fashioned, but it turns out really awesome. after it was finished I quickly went online and searched for it on google. shortly after that my father and my brother came. then I remembered I should be writing on my blog so I could sleep and wake up early tomorrow. then my mother came, she explained she went to my aunt house, and that was why she's later than my father. she offer to take me to caribbien market to search for my sister's present, I agreed. and that reminds me that I haven't even started to work on my sister's slide show. as a matter of fact I haven't seen my flash disk where I kept my sister's pictures for a while, I couldn't have lost it, or could I? I'll search for it tomorrow.
anyway I've been so proud of myself today! I hoped tomorrow would be as great.

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