Monday, December 6, 2010

holiday mode

last week was exhausting. I couldn't even finish my last post. no wonder I got on to holiday mode after that. I've been wanting to write for ages. but I get easily distracted. my whole system wanted a vacation from everything. I've been so lazy, writing feels like a chore. but there is no way I'm giving up on it. I'll try to fill in from what happens since last time.

so work experience turns out really awesome. on monday, as I explain in my earlier post, I didn't do much since all they do is partying, but I got a really good view of the farm. I went on a train rides with the riders. the farm small. I'll find it boring if I'm a visitor, good thing I'm actually working, but for little kids, I bet this farm is exciting. then the girl, Shereen, gives me another tour around the farm. she showed me the baby animals. there are these two lamb, Marshmallow and chocolate, they're so cute, but they keep trying to eat my headscarf. anyway soon enough the day was over. Judy, one of the workers there, told me that tomorrow I won't be bored since they would have a class. she told me to come at 9.

on tuesday I have my first training with the horses. they taught me how to lead a horse, which is unexpectedly hard especially since the horse is humongous. they give me warnings of the consequences of handling the horse incorrectly, I knew that it is important for safety, but I learned that after the work experience I gain a little bit more cautious feelings for horses then I was before. but it was still exciting. I didn't get to lead a horse while a rider is riding it since I'm still not experience enough, but I did learn how to sidewalk. that is when you walk beside the horse and hold the saddle and locking the riders foot on your arm so they don't fall of. sidewalking is important for a rider that has multiple sclerosis or other disorder where they can't keep they're legs secure while riding a horse. I went home early that day because there is no more riding session, only partying. I wasn't the only volunteer who went home, I saw another person leaving as well. the guy who's about my age that I said in my last post (I found out that his name is Milos, I think that's how it's spelled) decided to stay, he seem a bit upset that other volunteers are leaving. when he saw me pack my bag he said "oh are you leaving too?" I just nodded. somehow his concern made me smile... a bit. Judy told me that on Wednesday the volunteers are having a barbecue, I'm welcome to come if I want to but there won't be any work. I decided not to come because I don't feel I would fit in with other volunteers that has worked through the year while I was just getting started.

on thursday there it was raining in the morning and boiling in the evening. typical Melbourne weather. I did more sidewalking, I also lead a horse for a warm up (without a rider). I learn how to feed them. I also help training a rider who got visual impairment. I went to the end of the arena and ring a bell and the rider tries to steer his horse so he can approach the ringing sound. it was so cool!!! at the end of the day I ask Judy again if I should come tomorrow. she said there won't be any riding so I said I'll stay home. she says thanks for my help, even though I don't think I've help much. I say thanks for having me and with that my work experience is over. I wish I could stay as a volunteer, but I found out later that the RDA only opens on weekdays and closed for the holidays, so since I have school, looks like it's not possible. well at least I could still put my work experience on my resume.

on saturday it was hot, so in the afternoon me and my cousins family went for a bath in the lake. I forgot the detailed location. it was very refreshing. the water was ice cold at first, but when I got used to it it feels lovely. I've been waiting for a swim since the start of summer, I don't really fancy swimming pools though, I feel uncomfortable with the stares on my covered swimsuit. in a lake I wore my normal clothes. in the morning we went to the cinema.

sunday was spent mostly relaxing and on the evening we went to a barbecue in a friend's house.

monday I spent the time making a slide show for my sister while she's at school. her birthday is coming soon and I wanted to make a slide show like I did to my cousin. I like making slide shows. somehow it represent how I feel about a person. I spent the day gathering my sister's picture, I even include some where she is still a baby. and there is this picture of me and her riding on a tricycle. it was so mesmerising, to bad I can't recall the moment. I went to my cousins house because I need to scan the photos into the computer. she also help choose which photos to scan. we end up choosing heaps. so it took awhile to scan all of them. while we're doing that, we recite some of our memorised Quran chapters, we have test our memorised Quran chapters on friday and we had promised my mother to get it perfect in return for the trip to the cinema to watch "the voyage of the dawn trader" from the chronicles of Narnia on saturday. and before we knew it the day was over. today I decided I had to make sure I have time to write on my blog but there were plenty things to do. so I'm going to make a list of things I need to do for the holiday...
  1. make a slide show for my sister, and go shopping for her present.
  2. do the laundry "daily"
  3. start doing my holiday homework (ahh, the taste of VCE...)
  4. help my mother delivering local newspaper
  5. practice reciting the Quran
  6. clean the house (I have to or else nobody will do it)
  7. keep writing on my blog
  8. think of something to write for a writing competition
  9. get a job

thats all I could think of..I might want to edit this list later on

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