Tuesday, November 30, 2010


been three days since I wrote in this blog! so much for writing daily. but there has been so much going on and every evening I was exhausted. honestly I was. with work experience and all that. luckily tomorrow I could take a break.

I wanted to start writing about the gathering on sunday, but I'll save that for later. right now work experience has been the major event.

on monday my mother drive me to Myuna Farm, where the Riding for the disability is located. my career teacher told me to arrive one hour early so the person in charge could introduce me to my workplace. but I was surprised when nobody was there when I arrive except for the man who takes care of the horse, he told me to sign a volunteer form (that's what I'll be doing, volunteering, so unfortunately I don't get paid 5 dollars like my friends who work as cash registers or other jobs). he also put the kettle on and said I could make tea or coffee while waiting for the other volunteers. I don't drink coffee, I was about to make a cup of tea, but then I consider that I'm not familiar with this place, I don't know who has been using the mugs and have they clean them properly. so I set that idea aside. I thought I'm going Mysophobic which means fear of germs. but then again I'm not scared of getting my hands dirty, I enjoyed being dirty, always have. but I always clean up afterwards, I think I washed my hands more than 5 times a day (who would bother counting?). and I'm very concerned about things that touches my mouth, like mugs, spoon, etc...
anyway I have to wait in that small office (I'm not sure what else to call it). my mother waited with me for awhile but then she has to leave so I was left all alone in that strange place. in an unfamiliar place, I usually froze until someone properly introduce me to the place, showed me around, then i would explore every bit I could see in the room then I would feel less nervous. but no one was there. moving only made me more nervous so I tried to numb my brain by forgetting the whole situation by day dreaming about a story from books. Artemis fowl book works best. that keeps my mind wondering for a while.
finally someone came. I herd the sound of a motorbike. then came a woman in a bike jacket and helmet. she put her things away and says a simple "hi" to me. I said hello back. she sits down and read the newsletter, I still wonder if she knows who I am back then. maybe someone already told every volunteer that a work experience student is coming, or maybe there are so many volunteers that they'r not surprised when they see someone they don't recognise.
then some more people came along. two women and a girl roughly my age, I think she's the daughter of one of the woman. they're all bringing party gears on a shopping bag. they say hello and start decorating the place with Christmas decoration, naturally I offer to help. then one of the woman say that I'm lucky I came at the last week before holiday where there is not much work to be done, so I knew she knew I'm new, I think she knew I'm a work experience student. some more people started coming in. soon enough I introduce myself and they introduce themselves. I lost their names except for Lisa (the lady from the motorbike), Shereen (the girl about my age), Judy (a woman who looks healthy and strong but I think she's actually quite old because of her white hair, then again maybe she's just really really blond), Barb (a very elderly woman). they're all very friendly but they don't give me instruction on what to do. I still fill lost. they hinted that they're going to have a party for the riders (that's what they call the kids who came to take lesson on horse riding). I have a feeling I won't be doing anything today. I was right.
later on a boy roughly my age comes, he comes alone, without a parent. I wonder why he's here. shouldn't he be at school, it's not holiday yet. maybe he's in VCE and and had a head start on the holiday. but why is he spending his holidays here? most teenage boys I knew spend their times with their mates. he's here spending time with much older ladies. I thought he definitely not a normal teenager. but I change my mind when he started to be a bit whingy, sulky and crack jokes. he's normal alright...
I got a bit overwhelmed when the first group of riders arrive. they have autism. I've seen autistic people before, but I was a bit surprised when a group of them suddenly crowded over the bench I was sitting. but then I got used to them. because I have nothing to do, I spend my time observing. most of the autistic kids seem to be wearing uniforms, so they must be from school. they look younger than me but I'm not quite sure. I specifically attracted to an adorable kid with dark hair and big green eyes. at first I thought she's a boy because of her short hair, but then I realize she's wearing pink shoes and people called her a "her". after the kids had their party and eaten their party food the ladies took them to see the horses while they feed them with apples and carrots. I tagged along since I haven't seen the horses. they took us to a paddock just outside the office (I still don't know what it is called). the ladies that feeds the horse come inside the paddock and closed the gate so the kids don't come inside. I decided to stay outside as well. there is a white horse near the fence, I give him/her a stroke on it's head. then they took the kids to take a train ride.

oops I got distracted on facebook and now it's too late to write the rest of the story... maybe tomorrow..

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