Wednesday, November 10, 2010

what happen last night...

right now I'm in physical science class a.k.a robotics. lets just say I have no interest in this subject. so instead of wastin 90 minutes of my life googgling random things. I'm going to write what happens after I finish blogging yesterday...

so yeah, after that, I finish my slideshow for my cousin, and it is actually finish!!! which is good because her birthday is the next day. my mother then said something about rendering the slideshow or something which I don't understand. then my father said something it's a new a program and it doesn't need to be rendered or something like that. and I let them argue about rendering or whatever that is while I read a magazine.

anyway they finally then agreed that I should burn it into a DVD so everyone could watch it on television screen. but the problem is, the DVD inserter (or what ever it is called, I'm not familiar with these words) is broken. so we have to go to my cousin's house to burn it in their computer. but that would be another problem because I wanted it to be a surprise from my cousin. so my mother said she would "distract" my cousin while I use the computer. that was the plan.

the plan doesn't go to smoothly... first of all my cousin is smarter then I give her credit for. when I went to her, borrowing her laptop and saying something about burning a slideshow while carying an empty DVD, then suddenly my mother came and drag her to her room saying she wanted to talk, then talk nonsense for half an hour, it didn't take long for my cousin to realize I'm making the slideshow for her as a surprise. second of all it turns out I have no Idea how to burn the slideshow from her laptop, so my uncle has to help me. then he "accidentaly" mention it to my cousin. we're sooo busted. some people just could not keep a secret.

since she already knows, and since I couldn't be patient to wait for the next day. I decided to show her the slideshow that night. it's a simple slideshow filled with picture of her since she was small. thats all. but she hasn't seen some of that picture in a long time so, i guess she must be amazed. and there are some cute pictures of the two of us.... well she looked cute in the picture, she's photogenic, I couldn't say the same for me.

before we know it, it's already 11pm. so we quickly went home. I just remember know.. I think I forgot to pray Isha. and I went to bed.

the next morning, I figure out nobody in the house wake up for subuh, because I wake up at 6 and nobody was awake. the sun was already shining so I just quickly prayed and wake my sister.

I felt a bit.. moody. It's not usual for me to wake up so late... (6am is considered late for me). there is nothing to eat for breakfast so my father just ordered me to cook rice and eggs. I hate rice for breakfast. but I have no other choice. there is no way my mother will let me go to school without breakfast...she's strict about that. so I start frying the egg. but there is no butter left, so I have to cook it with oil. and it was disgusting. it tasted so... oily. that cetainly did not help my mood. so I go to school feeling like not talking to anyone... the person who sits next to me seem to feel awkward with my mood. and right now...I don't really care.

but I guess my mood will soon fade away. it always is. especialy since to day is 11 of november. it's remeberence day! I don't really care about heroes and matyr to be honest. I'v only been in australia for 2 years, I still feel like a stranger. but I'm looking forward to buy those poppies flower pins. it'll look good with my headscarf.

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