Tuesday, November 9, 2010

scratching an old scar

I felt a major let down this morning when I found out I'm not getting any award this year. same thing happened to me last year in a different school. I guess I'm just not good enough. it stung a bit when my friend gloated a bit about how she's getting an award. she doesn't seem to realize it though. she's that kind of person. she likes to talk without actually analyzing the situation. it hurts even more knowing that this boy who I always considered a rival (also considered as a crush) getting an award as well. it hurts for 2 reason. 1. I hate it that he's always considered smarter than me even though it might be true. 2. I wanted him to see that I'm smart as well. I want to see him in the award night.

but I'm over that. the rest of the day is good. I spend the whole math class playing hangman and drawing doodles with my friends. that not usual. usually I'm such a good girl that I always do my work. but in this circumstances, we have finish every work on the subject and so we're just revising for the exam, and also it's my ONLY actual lesson since the first two session is sport and we have a sub and we only muck around, and I'm leaving school early and miss 4th session, It was normal for me to feel restless in class.

oh yeah, I haven't wrote why I left school early. it's because I have personal growth. in personal growth, we are learning about sexuality. according to my beliefs, this subject is taboo. it's not forbidden or something. it's just how my teacher is teaching, it's kind of opposed my values. so my parents talk about it to the school authority and they allow me to miss the class by going to the library. then I had an idea. since personal growth is the last subject I had today, maybe I could just go home early. normally student needs a note to leave school early, or they need their parents to pick them up. so I had to work hard to get permission to leave the school. nah jokes.. not really hard. I just went to the year coordinator and ask her if I could go home, she said I need permission from my parents. so I went to the nurse because I knew she has my phone number, i never could remember it. then I phone my father then POOF. I have a permission to leave early. I'm so proud of myself for the effort. I feel like a VCE student already :).

also something worth mentioning to day is about the soda incident. in session 1, our substitute went and treat us with soda. usually I hate fizzy drinks. I cannot understand why people drink those horrible burning liquid. but I was parched. i just quickly gulped down the burning liquid and try to ignore it's effect. than there is this girl who refused the soda because she says she doesn't drink soda. another girl says she's amazed that anyone would hate soda. for some reason I feel guilty that I didn't admit I hate soda. but honest, it's because I am absolutely thirsty.

anyway the word of today is "Parched" which means "Dehydrated". I never even heard anyone using that word. I found it while I was searching for the synonym of "thirsty".

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