Sunday, November 14, 2010


I got my senior jumper today!
I'm actually extremely exited.
I could finally call myself a senior student.
I'm exited at the thought that I'm growing up...finally.
the jumper look exactly like the junior jumper.
except for the colour. and the senior logo.
I'm still exited though.

I'm going to be extremly busy in these three days. because the exam is comming on wednesday. sigh* I usually don't care about marks. but my mother scold me yesterday about how I don't work hard enough for exams yet I'm always forever complaining about my marks AFTER the exam. I guess it's kinda true. it's not like I'm not bothered. I always intended to work hard. but I never did. I can't. I'm never the type of person who would suffer to get what I'm after. I mean I am ambitious, but I have to enjoy the task in order to work hard on it. that's why I get good marks on assignments but not much on tests. I like making things, creating things, even writting essays. but I don't like studying. even on assignment, I had a habit on doing it on last minute. because I depend too much on my mood. if I'm in the mood, I could work hard. but the mood is very unpredictable. and I can't work hard without it... my mother said I can't be depandent on my mood. especially now that I'm almost in VCE. she said I need to change my habit. she's right. as usual. although I don't feel that way when she yelled at me.

anyway today turns out okay. I had a beep test this morning. my score was 4.7. it's my highest score yet. but it's still not enough. I need to work out more. now that it's summer, I could jog in the morning before school, let's just wish my mood doesn't get in the way.

I had personal growth second session, so I went to the library and do more revisions. my target for this math test would be 100 percent... I told you I'm ambitious.

during recess my cousin Iffah tells me she decided to be a clothes designer when she grows up. she actually look like she mean it. like nobody told her to do that, like she's actually happy with that, like she finally figure out what she wanted to do with life. I'm so proud for her. she used to be a depressed girl who doesn't bother to do anything with life. who gave up on it. I'm so happy that she finally lets herself to dream. one step at a time of course. but she has started dreaming. and that's all that matters. I just hope my sister would do the same. not that I would know if she has, she never tells me those kind of things anymore. in fact it's one of those things in the list of "always avoid topics when talking to my sister".

In english we had a practice quiz about Romeo and Juliet. I had one Question wrong. I need to remeber that Romeo is banished to MANTUA!!! I had to remeber that. then I recieve a revision for the english test that is happening at the same day as the math exam. well, at least I have a reason to do something other than my math revisions...

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