Sunday, November 21, 2010

looking for something to look forward to - continued

hi. it's 6 am monday morning I probably have enough time to finish my post.

so the rest the kids are in prep. they're the one who got restless. there is a dominating kid who is like the leader of the gang. they do what she wants them to do. she's actually a good leader. only she has an annoying habit of throwing a tantrum when things does not go her way. the other kid is my cousin who is a bit self centered, he will do anything to be accepted with his peers, and he can't stand to be told what to do, he had an annoying habit of sulking. the third kid is a new one, I'v just met her that day. this kid is more mature than the others. the problem is, she speaks Indonesian. and I mean fluent Indonesian, I'v spent 8 years in that country I still have problems trying to understand her, it's even harder for the other kids to understand her. but all three of them are really sweet, usually. to day was an exception, I blame the heat.
so yeah I volunteered to take them to the park, my cousin and the Indonesian speaking girl rode scooters while the leading girl ride on a bike. the bike actually belongs to my cousin , and secretly all three kids wanted to ride the bike. but there was only one.
it turns out taking them to the park was a mistake, because as usual, the leading girl domineers over the other, at first the others doesn't mind, I just play along as well. but my cousin was getting impatient, he sulks. that annoys the girl, so she ignored him. my cousin started to whinge. he wanted to go home. I couldn't clearly take him home and leave the others all alone in the park, so I told him he have to wait, he sulks more. I use special ability to deal with that, I ignore him and have fun with the others, that treatment usually works. it could have worked if it went for longer. the others started to get uncomfortable and wanted to go home as well. the Indonesian speaking girl say she wants to ride the bike, I think she deserves to ride it since she's being very patient about it. so I talked to the leading girl about that. she sulks. I admire that girl for her expert persuasion. but I'm not going to let down the other girl. this girl needs to learn how to share. I now I can't go soft on her or else it won't be fair, but going hard on anyone won't solve anything, so I compromise. I told her I'll give her a piggy back ride. but she doesn't want to. she want to ride the scooter my cousin is riding. I compromise with my cousin and he's absolutely delighted. so I piggy back him and give the scooter to the girl, but then she change her mind, she wanted me to piggy back her while riding the scooter which is close to impossible. by then I was ready to fume, and so does my cousin. thankfully one of the parents arrive. it's the father of the Indonesian speaking girl. he wants her to come back to the house because they were going home. so she left without the bike. I thought that would solve the problem since the bike is now available, but by now both kids wanted me to piggy back them. so I suggest that they could take turn to riding the bike and my back. they agree, but after a few steps I realize that dragging two scooters and carrying a kid on my back is impossible. so I have to talk to my cousin who is on my back, I told him I can't carry him while dragging two scooters. he understands. he climbed down and ride on the scooter, but the girl does not understand. she blamed my cousin and she rode of with the bike across the street leaving us behind. my cousin blames me so he left his scooter and ran of following his friend, wondering if she would still be his friend. I was left with two scooters that I have to drag all the way to the house. i was abselutely hurt. not because I blame them, they're just kids, but because I have no one to blame. that's just annoying. I spend the rest of the day avoiding the kids. the leading girl actually notice that and she felt sorry. so she gave me a painting of me with a love heart. it's really unusual for someone her age to be that sensitive. I reckon she'll be a great leader someday.

after the party is finished we went home, my two cousins came with us. they were going to sleep over. the next day was slow, I read a book, then got bored. I wish I could got to the library and borrow an Artemis fowl book, I haven't touch that series since the exams. I already finish the fourth book. Artemis fowl is my latest obsession, I'm absolutely addicted.
my cousin and my sister are busy writing a story for their homework, it was actually very good, writing runs in the family :) my other cousin is busy drawing character from Artemis fowl. she teased me with spoilers from the 5th and 6th series. that is one of the reason I can't wait to get hold of them. I was doing the laundry. as usual. that's why I was bored. so I try to excite my self with something to look forward too, heres the list:
  1. year 11 orientation
  2. work experience
  3. school holidays
  4. I'm also planning to go swimming in a lake since the weather is getting hotter, but I haven't decided on a date... or maybe a picnic in a park.

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