Wednesday, November 24, 2010

its heree.... yr 11 orientation

I'm a VCE student!!!

it started from yesterday. in the morning yr 10 has activities on the oval. while playing tug of war I slipped and stain my dress with a greenish colour (from the grass). then on session two we went to the theatre and watch a video clip of yr 10 photos taken this year. there was only one picture that include me, and that was at the very end of the clip. :) I guess I'm not that popular...

my first orientation subject is in session 4...math methods. but I'm free on session 3. the weather was awfully hot. at first I thought maybe I could spend my time in the library helping with the stock take, but they don't need any help and shooed me out of the library. so in desperate attempt to find Air conditioning, I went with my cousin to a year 12 orientation. it was math specialist. I think the teacher didn't notice me. I remembered being surrounded by genius looking people. and they were all so quiet. then the teacher started to revise from their last math exam. my brain start to hurt from there. he was discussing about a math problem that included trigonometry, direction, and something about Newton's second law. my cousin save me and give me an I pod to block my ears. it works. but then I realize most of the songs there are Korean. My cousin is not from Korea, she doesn't even speak Korean. interesting taste.

math method orientation is absolutely full. it reminds me how many geniuses I have to compete with. thankfully lots of people I know is here. I hope we'll be in the same class. in the orientation after they inform us about asignments, exam and other stuff, they make us do a small test. my brain is still in "numb" mode because of the I pod (music does that to me... I have trouble with my focus). I did badly. to think I was hoping to set a good first impression :(.

the next day (thats earlier today), I have History orientation. first the teacher made us write down on a piece of paper why we choose history. I wrote about how I enjoy listening to stories from the past and how I specifically enjoy learning about massacres, murders, unsolved mysteries and villains through out history. I think I succeed to set a good Impression this time :).

I had another free time for about an hour. the heat was worse than yesterday. fortunately my sister pass by. so I went with her to her class. the teacher notice me this time. I explained how I'm not exactly in school today since I'm having my orientation and I need a place to stay while I wait for the next class. eventually the teacher let me stay, it's not like I broke any rules or anything. so I stay in a year 8 class. it's a history class and everyone was bored, including the teacher. a boy suddenly notice me.

he's like: 'hey we got a new student!'
I'm like: 'hello'
and then he said: 'what's your name?'
'hey everybody! her name is Lisa'
'It's Nisa' corrected my sister in a stern voice, I notice that my sister's friends seems to enjoy teasing her, while she enjoys yelling at them.
'okay Nisa, how old are you?'
'uhh.. 15.'
'hey everybody Nisa is 15 and she's a mature young lady!'
what the...
then other students started to ask whether I'm in year 9 and do I have second hand books to sell to them that they can use next year. I told them I'm in year 10. I'm pretty young for my year level so it's quite normal for them to think I'm in year 9.

then another boy comes up.
'hey are you supposed to be here?'
'then why are you here?'
'because I want to.'
then the first bot joined in on the conversation. and it gets off topic.
'hey do you have hair underneath that thing?' he meant my headscarf.
'No.' I said while my sister is saying "Yes." at the same time.
'so you're bold?'
'yeah' that's what I said.
'Of course she has hair you....' I forgot what my sister say next. I was too impressed at her effort defending me.
'you really should be careful what you're saying. she's got a very bad temper.' I said, pointing at my sister, secretly proud.
'I know' said the second boy. 'she hit me once'
'I DID NOT hit you!!'
'she did too....with a hammer.'
'so can you show me a bit of your hair?' ask the first boy. I decided that was innocent curiosity.
'NO.' said me and my sister at the same time.
'why not?'
'because I don't like you.' that's my answer.
'that's stupid, so if you like me you could show me your hair?'
I sighed. these boys are so gullible.

I had to leave in the middle of the class because of the next orientation subject. I thanked the teacher for having me. but most of the class didn't really notice me going. I found out later from my sister that the boys ask her about me. they even made a song about me. well... a rap, but I consider that as a song. that's so sweet. apparently, they're so bored, that someone who is not supposed to be in their class made their day a little bit more exciting. I'm looking forward for a second visit to the year 8s. maybe on Friday.

I had Literature orientation next. apparently I came to early that another class was there. embarrassing. so I went exploring around the school. when I come back, I was late. typical. I would probably be the only student in Literature that has only been in Australia for two years. I don't know if I'm up to the standard since Literature is the hardest english class. usually, if you only been in Australia for up to 7 years, you have to take ESL (english as a second language) subject. but for some reason I'm not allowed to take it. I still wonder why. so since I'm not allowed to take ESL, I thought maybe I could press my luck and take Literature. beside I get good marks on my english subjects, and I enjoy writing and reading. it'll be a tough challenge. I wanted to see if I could make it.

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