Thursday, November 25, 2010


well it's halfway through the orientation, before I knew it, soon it will be the holidays.

yesterday I had biology orientation. the class was even more crowded than methods. I reckon that's probably most people want to be a docter and get a medical course in uni (I don't understand why, but it's true. the majority of the school would probably say they want to be a docter when they grow up. then I found the... crush rival boy there. typical. I soon found out I need 4 books (1 textbook, 2 activity books, and one biology dictionary) for this subject. my cousin had biology last year so I could have her textbook. but the other books has to be bought new. I'm now old enough to realize that at the end of every year my parents are usually short of money. in fact, according to my observation, our supply of food depends on my mother's wages of delivering the local newspaper. things like these bothers me even when my parent's always told me not to bother about it. they reckon it's their responsibility to look for money. but it makes me feel guilty. I even cried (a bit) last year when I accidentally read the email my father wrote to his company, asking for an early delivery of his scholarship money for the next year. this year it puts a pressure on me to find a job since I'm now legally old enough to work.

after the biology orientation, I went home. I don't have any more orientation that day so I'm free. I have to go back at lunch time to deliver my sister's lunch since my mother does not have time to fix it in the morning. also I have gardening club every Thursday lunchtime. it was raining quite heavily when I was on my way back to school. my long, ground touching dress was soaked. typical. at least gardening club was cancelled so I could go back home.

after I get home I was asking my parents about work experience. I'll be working at a horse stable, for a company called; "Raiding for the disability". the name says it all. anyway it was quite a distance away so I was asking my parents if they could take me there before work experience start so I could get the Idea of where I'll be going, how long it will take me to get there and at what time would I have to be going in order to be on time. it turns out we're busy on the weekends. there is this gathering on sunday and we're going to werribee zoo on saturday. so my mother suggest that I could go today. at first they want to take me in the car, but I suggest maybe we could take the bus instead, so I could learn how to get there if I have to go by myself. they agree. my father is going with me.

I rather wished my mother to come with me instead. it's not that I dislike my father, I don't. in fact I look up to him. it's just that we don't do much father-daughter outings. and when we do, sometimes it gets awkward. because sometimes my father just don't get what I want, and I'm not exactly very good in communicating, sometimes I just couldn't spell out laud what I wanted to say. my mother has a motherly instinct, she always knows what I need. but with my father, occasionally it all ends out with me getting frustrated. an usually my father won't notice, and I end up holding a grudge. but I have very extreme mood swings and my father has the most innocent expression so the grudge never last long.

the whole trip is not very exiting. I found out it takes me exactly 60 minutes to get there by bus. the worst part of it all is waiting for the bus, that was unexpectedly annoying. I made a mental note to myself to go to the library sometime before work experience to borrow an Artemis fowl book, so I'll have something to do while waiting for the bus. I was glad when the trip was over.

the next day I had PE orientation in the morning. it was a small class of 14 people. I realize none of my friends are there, I guess that shouldn't have bothered me but it did. however, there is someone who used to sit next to me on physical science. he's taking PE as well. and I do know a few people. so don't I'm not completely alone.

after PE, I have 45 minutes before the next orientation which is Chemistry. at first I thought I could spend some quality time on my own, but then I realize that 45 minute is too long. so I began to look for my sister's class. I went to the office check out the year 8 timetable, then I just went to my sister's classroom. it was a computer room. I ask the teacher again whether I could stay, he said yes. I surprised my sister, and my cousin who's in the same class. so I spend my free time loging on the computer and check the school website (most websites are blocked from the school network, and I got bored trying to goggle random things). my second visit to the year 8s pleasant, but not as exciting as the first one. the other year 8s was so busy in the computer they didn't notice me coming in. I only met they boy I talked to the other day when the bells gone and we were heading to the door. and he only had time to say "hi". too bad, I wanted to hear the rap he made for me.

in chemistry I found out we would spend the whole semester learning about the periodic table. I quickly thinking of switching subject. I can't stand memorising, especially not the periodic table. there were things I have to consider. my first argument is; most of my friends are doing the subject, one of my favourite teachers, Mr. Radisic, is teaching chemistry, there's a chance I could be in his class, my mother always tell me to be more open minded, she would've said I should try chemistry before announcing that I hate it. the other side of the argument is that this year I announce to my parents that I wanted to drop two of my subjects (computer programming and physical science), they say I should stick with it and I end up regretting it, I was wasting my time on things that I don't even like, I don't want that to happen again, the other thing is I wanted to be An environmental scientist, I don't think I need chemistry for that, beside, I haven't bought the textbook yet.

so I talked about it later on to my parents. my prediction were right, my mother suggest me to stick with it, she said she doesn't like chemistry either, but she said I should try it and my father is an expert in chemistry (he's an expert in everything) so he could help me. while my father suggest that I should try a different subject if I wouldn't use chemistry later on. in some ways my father and I are alike. we both tend to focus on one thing, it's both a positive thing and a negative thing. by being focus we are very passionate on what ever we do. but by focusing on one thing, we both tend to block out everything else. so I should have a balance on being focus and being well rounded. I'm still deciding whether I'm going to switch subject.

the next day we were going to Werribee zoo with my cousins family. they got a free ticket, we didn't so we have to pay. but it rained heavily in the morning. my mother thought it would be a waste if we still have to pay to go to the zoo, but we can't stay long because of the rain. secretly I'm pleased. I'm rather bored of Zoo's, I was looking forward for the gathering on sundae, we're going to have an "exchange of presents". that's a game where we're all going to find a gift and wrapped it and then exchange it with a group of friends. I love that game because everybody gets a present. it feels like it's everyone's birthday.anyway I haven't bought a present, so it's a good thing we're not going to the zoo so I could go shopping for my gift.

so me, my sister and my mother went to the mall, me and my sister each choose something for our present. the rules of the game is that every present has to be worth five dollars. I choose an electric fan that is small enough to carry (usefull for the summer). that costs 2 dollars. than I can't decide between a reading light or a chime (the kind that you hung by the door and it makes a chime every time the wind blows. so I end up buying both. later on I decided on the wind chime, my mother said I could keep the reading light for myself, YAY.

well that's my life so far. since everything is going downhill, I'm going to sit back and enjoy the ride.

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