Monday, November 8, 2010

my first entry...

Today I decided to write a journal (not a diary). this won't be like my other blog where I write anything whenever I felt like it. I'm determined to write here daily.

I began to had this idea when I figure out that this could help me improve my writing skills. I might need that if I'm going to choose Literature as one of my subject in VCE. for someone who has only been in Australia for 2 years this is could be a big challenge.

so yeah, this is my highly dramatic life. you'll find out later that the title is ironic.

today I wake up as usual to do the morning prayer at 5. I still have plenty of time before I had to get ready for school. anyone else would go back to bed. but i'm more of a morning person :). I decided to pass the time making a short slideshow photo for my cousin. her birthday is near and I'm planning to surprise her with the slide show of pictures of us. I used the song "you make me smile"-uncle cracker because it's one of her favorite song and also because it suits her, she make me smile. :)

then I ate breakfast and get ready for school. I have to admit I'm not a very sociable person. awkward situation happens quite often. so every morning I had a bit of mental breakdown... this is one reason why I always hug my mother before going to school. laugh and you'll die!

turns out school's not so bad. I had a laugh with my friends in math class while we play hangman (when we were supposed to be revising for a test). I also had a chat with this boy who sits next to me in physical science which is a good thing. usually I'm a bit awkward around boys. he talks about his life that is waaay more interesting than mine. he was born in Afghanistan. he went to school for a while until he is in year 2. then the taliban came so he escape to pakistan. he spend his time making carpet to sell. his father then seek refuge in Australia then he sponsored his whole family. the boy has only been here for two years, about the same as me. he also put in a few bit of Afghanistan history as he tell me his story. I wonder what it would be like to be him. you know, fighting all his life for freedom. thats when I decide I want to write a journal. so if something exiting or unique happen to me, like it did to him, I could capture it on paper. or blog.

a story of a teenagers life wouldn't be complete without a bit of romance...*blush*. nah jokes! my love life is completely boring I had a few crushes since I was ....6 I think. one at a time of course. well recently I had this crush on this specific guy. and as usual I don't have the guts to even talk to him. even if I did there is no way it's gonna work out (for religious reason I'll explain later if I had the time). I feel really embarrassed when i'm around him. I spend the rest of the day trying to avoid him and lowering my gaze when he's passing by. I just hope he doesn't think I'm being rude.

after school I felt a bit down after I tried to make a conversation with my sister. let's just say she made it clear that she want me to understand that she does not want me to talk to her unless it is important. that kinda hurt.

then I felt a bit frustrated when the internet malfunctioned when I dearly wanted to start my journal. but after I started to write, I felt all better. it also helps that I could hear my father playing guitar in the background. I love it when he plays guitar. maybe one day I could learn too.

thats all for today. I reckon this is a good start.

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